Shame to Pride

I learned that pride comes before fall, but test your theories. In my life, shame came before fall. Every. Single. Time.

And the antidote to shame is a healthy pride. Opening up and being proud of who you are.

You usually love what you’re proud of in your life. And you usually trust what you love most. Without that healthy pride, I never trusted myself and I certainly never loved myself.

For about 6 months my therapist kept asking me what I’m proud of. As a person that covers shame up with an exaggerated humility, it felt like hot coals in my throat trying to respond. I couldn’t even say the words “I’m proud.” It’s been a process. But over time, feeling proud of myself became a sword to slay my shame dragon. And without the shame cycles, I can finally love and choose myself daily. I can finally take responsibility. And I have an increasing desire to take care of myself more and more.

Shame creates absolutely zero positive production, yet it’s in all of our lives. One way or another everyone around us is dealing with some kind of shame. If you’re dealing with the feeling of “not being good enough,” the feeling that the core of who you are is not good enough, I’m here to tell you today… YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH. You are LOVED. And you are PERFECT exactly how you are RIGHT NOW. I believe that we were born perfect, every human at their core is beautiful. And any transformation that takes place in your life, it’s not a becoming of the “new you,” it’s a stepping into the truth of who you’ve always been. The unique, one of a kind, diamond you were born to be.

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