Art that cleanses

“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.”

Pablo Picasso

One day I was talking with a friend about different kinds of art, specifically paintings. We came across what most would say is “darker” type art, the kind of painting you look at and it makes your insides turn a bit. The person I was with said wow, that is a powerfully transforming painting. And began to explain to me how art can be a way to release trapped emotions from hurtful or traumatizing experiences in life. Sometime art being a way to let that energy go. To release it.

Now every time I see a more “dark” painting, I sit with it. And I imagine the person behind the paint brush. The difficult emotions and experiences being expressed and even released with every stroke of the brush. The freedom or release they maybe felt when finished. I now have a deep appreciation for ALL kinds of art.

Over the course of my life, I am constantly judging, then learning how and why I shouldn’t have judged. No one knows a person’s life, what they have gone through, how they got where they are. Healing relationships starts with acceptance and love, and definitely understanding.

Angie’s brainwaves for the day, love you all.

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