There’s a space for you…

There’s a space for me
Her name is Ang.
She floats above the anger
She sees the world as beautiful
Her perspectives don’t fit into boxes
Her shape doesn’t match desired constructs
Her love is immense
When she is herself, it lights up the world
Maybe life isn’t about finding your truth, and then finding the community that fits it
Maybe it’s about carving a path that is unique
I look to my left and to my right
Yet the seat in the middle called Ang is where I belong
The unknown space feels most fitting
The permission to say “I don’t know,” and where creativity begins
When I choose Ang, I choose to dance
I choose life, I choose to see beauty
It’s not ignoring what’s happening in the world
It’s choosing to stop ignoring what wants to erupt out of me
A flood of love, an excitement for life, a grabbing hold of the opportunities light me up
An inner compass that keeps pointing towards a space the mind can’t comprehend
Only the body can feel its way towards it.
There’s a space for me
Her name is Ang.

There’s a space for you…. their name is…. and they are waiting to erupt out of you.

Normalize the “I don’t know” spaces that bring out creativity and what might be possible. So often (myself included) we feel like we have to, without a doubt, find our truth or the “best way” and then, and only then, can we find a community that fits it. When in reality, we are always changing, and therefore we have to normalize and integrate the parts of ourselves that might be in transition or saying “I don’t know,” because that’s okay too. And it should be okay within communities too.
There’s an inner compass that keeps pointing towards a unique space called YOU, where the mind sometimes cannot comprehend.
Only the body can feel its way through it and towards it. We try too often to make sense of the world, when in reality, what we have (and leave out most of the time) is our sensations, and our felt sense. Doing my best to hold space for others (and myself) to be okay with the unknown and create and discover new possible ways of being together in community. Lots and lots of distractions move us away from what wants to come out of us. Here is a little poem I wrote while processing what feels best moving forward, it always points to the space called Ang, that seems to be different than other people’s path moving forward, but in the end is best way for me.

There’s a space for you…. their name is…. and they are waiting to erupt out of you. They hesitate to come out, in fear of not belonging. You belong here.

There’s a community for you and me, their name is all inclusive. They allow the “I don’t know” to be accepted, they meet with compassion. They support through anger, fear, and doubt. They hold each other up, head over the water when we feel like we are drowning. Their love is immense, and unconditional. They honor, encourage and serve one another, while respecting boundaries. They allow beauty… all to look and express themselves freely. This community always will start with the relationship I have with myself, and will flow out to others. Life tests me always in building this community, within myself and with others. And yet, Ang is always there, waiting for me to step into her fully.

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