Why rational thought isn’t enough on it’s own

Here is a little Saturday morning neuroscience research done by Antonio Damasio and Mary Helen that is contrary to popular belief of “keeping your emotions out of decision making” and “don’t be so emotional”.

Studying patients with brain injuries, they found that patients without any lesions on the part of their brain in charge of logic, facts, knowledge, could not make even the most mundane, logical decisions. Why? Because they were unable to use past emotional knowledge to guide the reasoning process. This is HUGE. And proves that we cannot make decisions based on rational thought and logic alone. There is an interconnection of cognition and emotion necessary in making decisions as you move forward.

You might have found yourself in difficult a life circumstances or a situation you may feel stuck in, or unsure which direction to take, maybe you feel like something is blocking you from moving forward, or maybe you’re getting out of a tough relationship and you have probably thought yourself dizzy into figuring it all out and what to do next. Since for decades we have had a cultural mindset of pushing away our heart and emotions to make the logical best decision, it may be hard for you to trust all the sensations that come up.

A somatic coaching session gives the brain with all the logical pros and cons a break and you are facilitated to process all the “stuff” going on from the neck down (heart, emotions, gut instinct, etc) you let the body do the talking, and your brain do the listening (for once!). We start to become aware of sensations we have around everything and what they are trying to tell us instead of always trying to make sense of everything.

The mind can make up 1 million stories and possibilities… but the body tells the truth when you learn how to really partner with and listen to ALL of you… not just your thoughts. We won’t leave the thoughts out, but we will pair it all up, through the use of different modalities, different exercises that let the body take lead here and there, and integrating it into practical next steps.

Work 1:1 with me to be facilitated in processing decisions with your whole self, letting the entire body and all that makes you up work together.

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