Emotion Strength Training

An athlete’s capacity to handle physical pain is pretty large… But how is our capacity to handle emotional pain? How often do you let yourself FEEL emotions? Most of the time our first response is to numb emotional pain. To ignore it and push it away then call ourselves “mentally strong.” Which is okay andContinueContinue reading “Emotion Strength Training”

Processing difficult life circumstances…

Standing face to face with differences, while advocating for myself or others, knowing it may be met with rejection has opened more wounds than I thought I had. But anytime an old wound is faced, and felt, healing is right around the corner. Sometimes standing up for yourself now, is actually standing up for theContinueContinue reading “Processing difficult life circumstances…”

An ally rises up (a poem?)

Apparently when I’m going through a difficult time, I wake up at 3 in the morning, can’t sleep, and write…. poetry? Well that’s a new one… but we’ll go with it. An ally rises up …. An angry cry for action echoing off the walls of a silent room full of expected allies.Shocked blow toContinueContinue reading “An ally rises up (a poem?)”

Try to visualize this before your next big game…

Something I’ve done many times in the past that was re sparked by a Maya Angelou speech… To take with me to a game (or interview, or meeting, or a challenging situation) only two types of people… People who know me deeply and love me Teammates and coaches who believed in me more than IContinueContinue reading “Try to visualize this before your next big game…”

What re-sparked my love for basketball again… KIDS!

For the last 7 months I had the honor of coaching over 90 different kids ages 9-15 from around the Basque area of Spain. And WOW, did they teach me just as much as I taught them. Walking in the gym and seeing their faces, I sourced so much joy from them. Being able toContinueContinue reading “What re-sparked my love for basketball again… KIDS!”

The way of nature… to do less.

Been spending time in nature, and it has me thinking… What would growth look like by doing less? In nature it always seems that with the right conditions, what wants to grow, naturally grows. And without much effort I mean a tree is just chillin. Nature teaches me the importance of noticing my environment, andContinueContinue reading “The way of nature… to do less.”

At The Heart of What Motivates (examining who you are in reference to values, beliefs, desires, and purpose)

To get to the heart of what motivates and energizes you means taking an honest look at your most current values, beliefs, desires, and purpose. Because most likely, when things are going well, your values are being honored; when things aren’t going well, the heart of who you are or what you desire is beingContinueContinue reading “At The Heart of What Motivates (examining who you are in reference to values, beliefs, desires, and purpose)”