Take all judgment out of your game and try this instead

Who sits in film listening to your teammates defending themselves on every play? Who silently does it in their head like.. “why am I the only one getting called out today?!” With coach’s comments adding to the downward spiral of trying to prove ourselves to be good, bad, right or wrong, leading to. everyone eitherContinueContinue reading “Take all judgment out of your game and try this instead”

Taking fear in… (Part II)

How do we approach fears? In my last blog (part I), I wrote on one of my greatest fear in sports… layups. Traditionally we have been taught to “fight our fears, and conquer them!” And that “you have one of two options… avoid your fear or fight them!” For me, this approach never worked, andContinueContinue reading “Taking fear in… (Part II)”

I fear layups… (Part I)

I fear layups. Yes, a professional basketball player, is scared to shoot the simplest shot in basketball… a layup! People applaud me for holding the 3-point record at Tennessee. I always joke and say, when you’re scared of the paint, you’re going to hold the 3-point record. My fear is due to the fact thatContinueContinue reading “I fear layups… (Part I)”

Athletes and Coaches, what do we do, say, or believe that might take away from getting us into a Flow State?

“Flow is being completely involved in an activity for its own sake. The ego falls away. Time flies. Every action, movement, and thought follows inevitably from the previous one, like playing jazz.” – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Have you ever gotten so lost in a project, an activity, in conversation, that you have no idea where theContinueContinue reading “Athletes and Coaches, what do we do, say, or believe that might take away from getting us into a Flow State?”

Try to visualize this before your next big game…

Something I’ve done many times in the past that was re sparked by a Maya Angelou speech… To take with me to a game (or interview, or meeting, or a challenging situation) only two types of people… People who know me deeply and love me Teammates and coaches who believed in me more than IContinueContinue reading “Try to visualize this before your next big game…”

What re-sparked my love for basketball again… KIDS!

For the last 7 months I had the honor of coaching over 90 different kids ages 9-15 from around the Basque area of Spain. And WOW, did they teach me just as much as I taught them. Walking in the gym and seeing their faces, I sourced so much joy from them. Being able toContinueContinue reading “What re-sparked my love for basketball again… KIDS!”

At The Heart of What Motivates (examining who you are in reference to values, beliefs, desires, and purpose)

To get to the heart of what motivates and energizes you means taking an honest look at your most current values, beliefs, desires, and purpose. Because most likely, when things are going well, your values are being honored; when things aren’t going well, the heart of who you are or what you desire is beingContinueContinue reading “At The Heart of What Motivates (examining who you are in reference to values, beliefs, desires, and purpose)”

How to bring a loving presence to your team or work environment

One way to bring a loving presence to your team or work environment. I know sometimes it’s hard, especially when you’re caught up in the drama or judgement within a team or work environment, this might be one way that could help you come out of that place, drop into the present moment, and findContinueContinue reading “How to bring a loving presence to your team or work environment”

What’s needed.. Mindset shift for athletes? Or culture shift for sports?

Mindset shift for all my basketball players out there: Me to a player: what’s your focus during a game? Player: to score, coach says I need to focus on scoring. But I don’t score enough, I’m super stressed about scoring more during the games, it’s all my focus. Me: how many shots do you usuallyContinueContinue reading “What’s needed.. Mindset shift for athletes? Or culture shift for sports?”