Just sit and look what is around you

In the middle of job searching and instead of finding what I can create or do next, I catch myself being in absolute awe of what humans have created all around me. Admiring what others devote their life to making. Amazing. Humans are AMAZING! From buildings, the architecture to planes, boats, or even the smallestContinueContinue reading “Just sit and look what is around you”

Why professional basketball was never for me

Don’t get me wrong, I love to compete, and at a high level. But I saw how quickly the culture changes when you involve money in what was originally created to be A GAME. The awards, the acknowledgement, the championships, they never motivated me.  Some people love it, and love to go after these things,ContinueContinue reading “Why professional basketball was never for me”

To all my emotional introverts

Some people don’t understand it, but alone time to reflect, helps refuel people. I’ve always had an introverted side of me. I go slightly insane without what I call “Angie time.” There’s an entire world of entertainment all inside myself I love to be with. I’ve also always been an emotional one. Which I’m thankfulContinueContinue reading “To all my emotional introverts”