Take all judgment out of your game and try this instead

Who sits in film listening to your teammates defending themselves on every play? Who silently does it in their head like.. “why am I the only one getting called out today?!” With coach’s comments adding to the downward spiral of trying to prove ourselves to be good, bad, right or wrong, leading to. everyone eitherContinueContinue reading “Take all judgment out of your game and try this instead”

Why rational thought isn’t enough on it’s own

Here is a little Saturday morning neuroscience research done by Antonio Damasio and Mary Helen that is contrary to popular belief of “keeping your emotions out of decision making” and “don’t be so emotional”. Studying patients with brain injuries, they found that patients without any lesions on the part of their brain in charge ofContinueContinue reading “Why rational thought isn’t enough on it’s own”

Taking fear in… (Part II)

How do we approach fears? In my last blog (part I), I wrote on one of my greatest fear in sports… layups. Traditionally we have been taught to “fight our fears, and conquer them!” And that “you have one of two options… avoid your fear or fight them!” For me, this approach never worked, andContinueContinue reading “Taking fear in… (Part II)”

I fear layups… (Part I)

I fear layups. Yes, a professional basketball player, is scared to shoot the simplest shot in basketball… a layup! People applaud me for holding the 3-point record at Tennessee. I always joke and say, when you’re scared of the paint, you’re going to hold the 3-point record. My fear is due to the fact thatContinueContinue reading “I fear layups… (Part I)”

There’s a space for you…

There’s a space for meHer name is Ang.She floats above the angerShe sees the world as beautifulHer perspectives don’t fit into boxesHer shape doesn’t match desired constructsHer love is immenseWhen she is herself, it lights up the worldMaybe life isn’t about finding your truth, and then finding the community that fits itMaybe it’s about carvingContinueContinue reading “There’s a space for you…”

Athletes and Coaches, what do we do, say, or believe that might take away from getting us into a Flow State?

“Flow is being completely involved in an activity for its own sake. The ego falls away. Time flies. Every action, movement, and thought follows inevitably from the previous one, like playing jazz.” – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Have you ever gotten so lost in a project, an activity, in conversation, that you have no idea where theContinueContinue reading “Athletes and Coaches, what do we do, say, or believe that might take away from getting us into a Flow State?”

What would it look like to come into a relationship ethic with how I treat my body?

Honestly… no idea, I am new to all of this! But hear me out. First, warning if you get into somatic and embodiment work! Reconnecting to your body, and connecting your inner self to the outer world may have some uncomfortable results. The more I come into wholeness, which is really all healing is, theContinueContinue reading “What would it look like to come into a relationship ethic with how I treat my body?”

A Heart. (example of my own personal experience during a Somatic Life Coaching Session)

My head:comes up with 1725291 ideas of what my future career “should be”/ what I “should be” working towards, what I “should be” producing, how I “should be” performing, and what my “should” list of things to do is… maybe I “should” come up with some goals I THINK might align with what I wantContinueContinue reading “A Heart. (example of my own personal experience during a Somatic Life Coaching Session)”